Frequently Asked Questions

Where Can my family find support if we are going through our own journey with Alzheimer’s disease?

The Alzheimer’s Association

For more information, resources, and guidance, please visit The Alzheimer’s Association’s website. Their team at the organization helped my family, and they can help yours, too!

For more information, please visit:


Hilarity for Charity (HFC) is a national non-profit on a mission to care for families impacted by Alzheimer's disease, activate the next generation of Alzheimer's advocates, and be a leader in brain health research and education.

For more information, please visit:

WHere else can we find art related to alzheimer’s?

I believe that art has the power to educate, empower, and heal our audiences. Supporting artists who make work around Alzheimer’s is very important to me as a writer. Below are some links to Artists who’s work can teach us about Alzheimer’s in different ways! Please check them out and support them however you can!


For one of my favorite songs inspired by Alzheimer’s Disease, visit the website of Country singer/songwriter, Jay Allen,

After seeing his mother suffer from Alzheimer’s, Allen wrote “Blank Stares”. A video of him performing the song with his mother on stage in Iowa went viral causing Jay to become known around the world. His mother has since passed, but Jay continues to tour internationally as an advocate for the Alzheimer’s Association, and the song has gone on to raise over $100 million dollars to help fight the disease.